Hike: Pt. Reyes

Date: 3/24/01
With whom: Aaron, David, Kristine

Images 37-45

[Hiking Index] [Main Index]

Day 1: Bear Valley Visitor Center to Coast Camp via Bear Valley Trail and Coast Trail
Day 1: At Coast Camp
Day 2: Morning at Coast Camp
Day 2: Coast Camp to Bear Valley Visitor Center via Woodward Canyon Trail, Sky Trail, Mt. Wittenberg Trail
[28-36] [37-45]
Pictures taken by Kristine: [46-54] [55-64]

Day 2: Coast Camp to Bear Valley Visitor Center via Woodward Canyon Trail, Sky Trail, Mt. Wittenberg Trail.

Distance: 6 miles roundtrip
Elevation: 0' to 1407'




looking down at the meadow area from the top of Mt. Wittenberg


a view of the coast and the point (in the hazy distance) from the top of Mt. Wittenberg



I took a picture of Kristine taking a picture of me.

back to civilization


Day 1: Bear Valley Visitor Center to Coast Camp via Bear Valley Trail and Coast Trail
Day 1: At Coast Camp
Day 2: Morning at Coast Camp
Day 2: Coast Camp to Bear Valley Visitor Center via Woodward Canyon Trail, Sky Trail, Mt. Wittenberg Trail
[28-36] [37-45]
Pictures taken by Kristine: [46-54] [55-64]

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